Managing aws resources using Ansible is efficient and reliable. In this document we will create an ec2 instance using Ansible under a new vpc and subnet. For that we will do the following 1) Creating a VPC 2)Creating a subnet 3)Creating an internet gateway and routing table for vpc 3)Creating a security group 4)Creating an ec2 instance Our directory structure for ansible playbook is as follows Here we have an aws role which will execute creating of a new ec2 instance under new vpc and subnet. The main.yaml file under tasks is as follows: Here in our playbook first we will create a VPC.We will specify region,name,cidr-block over here.We will register it as my_vpc. On next step we will save its id which we will use while creating subnet. Similarly we create Internet gateway and routing table to that vpc. Then we will create a n security group allowing traffic through certain ports.Next we created a ssh key pair for our ec2 instance and saved the private k...