For installing vnstat we want to enable epel-release first.
#yum install epel-release -y
#yum update
Now install vnstat package
#yum install vnstat -y
Consider enps08 is our interface.Vnstat defaultly detects on eth0 interface.So we want to enable it in configuration file.
#vi /etc/vnstat.conf
Interface enps08
#service vnstat start
Then add the enp0s8 interface to database
#vnstat -i enp0s8
Now change the permission of database file /var/lib/vnstat/enp0s8
#chmod 777 /var/lib/vnstat/enp0s8
Now restart vnstat service
#service vnstat restart
#vnstat -d
This will give report of the day regarding transmitted data received data and total data
#yum install epel-release -y
#yum update
Now install vnstat package
#yum install vnstat -y
Consider enps08 is our interface.Vnstat defaultly detects on eth0 interface.So we want to enable it in configuration file.
#vi /etc/vnstat.conf
Interface enps08
#service vnstat start
Then add the enp0s8 interface to database
#vnstat -i enp0s8
Now change the permission of database file /var/lib/vnstat/enp0s8
#chmod 777 /var/lib/vnstat/enp0s8
Now restart vnstat service
#service vnstat restart
#vnstat -d
This will give report of the day regarding transmitted data received data and total data