lightweight and really easy to install for a remote administrative graphical
user interface(GUI) desktop. This is a 2 minute setup for a minimal lightdm
desktop manager
First update all packages in your ubuntu machine.
#apt-get update
#apt-get upgrade
This command will list different packages to
install.Install Ubuntu Desktop and GNOME Desktop packages from it.
Now install xrdp package
#apt-get install xrdp
#apt-get update
Install the xfce4 package
#apt-get install xfce4
At this stage, you have to configure your Ubuntu
machine in order for xrdp to know that the xfce desktop will be used
instead of the Unity or Gnome (which are not working anymore in Ubuntu). To
configure this, from the terminal console, you will issue the following command
#echo xfce4-session >~/.xsession
Now start the xrdp service
#service xrdp restart
Now using RDP software login to remote system.